October 20, 2024
København, Denmark
Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Danish Hypocrisy: “Jewellery Law” That Used To Confiscate Syrian Refugees’ Assets Will Not Apply To Ukrainian Reguees

Danish Hypocrisy: "Jewellery Law" That Used To Confiscate Syrian Refugees' Assets Will Not Apply To Ukrainian Reguees

According to a Danish MP, the country’s administration and parliament are exploring adjustments to the rules of Ukrainian residence in Denmark not to be first impacted by the refugee regulations.

Unlike Syrians and Iranians, Ukrainian migrants are unlikely affected by a contentious Danish “jewellery legislation” intended to take assets from individuals escaping violence.

Rasmus Stoklund, the Democratic Socialist government’s immigration spokesperson, informed Danish daily Ekstra Bladet that since Ukrainians leaving Russia’s incursion seem to be from the “nearby region,” they must not follow the rules.

As per rumours in the news, the Danish administration and parliament were considering changes to the country’s residence laws for Ukrainians. According to The Local, a Danish publication, “The so-called ‘jewellery law’ was passed in 2016 by the previous government and was the subject of domestic and international criticism. The legislation allows police to confiscate cash and valuables above 10,000 (€1,340, $1,450 or more) kroner from arriving migrants and asylum seekers.”

The rule, approved in 2016, when the bulk of migrants arriving in Denmark were Syrians, allowed police to seize money and items worth more than 10,000 kroner (USD 1,116) from new immigrant refugees.
“The jewellery law is made for if you leave the nearby region…But that is not the case for Ukrainians,” According to The Local, Stoklund stated.

As per the Anadolu media organization, although the “jewellery law” has been seldom applied from its very beginnings, there have been instances of Iranians having their cash taken upon entry and claims that Syrians and Africans were attacked mainly through policy.

Observers have criticized the unexpected regulation change as the double standard in handling migrants from Ukraine against those in North Africa and the Middle East.

Bjorn Ihler, the co-founder of The Khalifa Ihler Institute, remarked on Twitter, “Never mind equality before the law. Underlines yet again the racism behind the legislation!”

The entire international community has frequently criticized Denmark for its brutal handling of refugees, mainly from Syria.

The Danish parliament implemented a new rule in 2021 that allows asylum applicants to be sent far outside Europe while their claims are under revision.

Despite ongoing violence and a severe crackdown by Bashar Al-administration, Assad’s Denmark pronounced portions of Syria “safe” allowing refugees to travel that year.

In reaction to Russia’s incursion of Ukraine, Denmark announced that it would create special measures to assist Ukrainian citizens, such as extending visas.

According to Anadolu Agency, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen stated her nation has “a special responsibility concerning the Ukrainians, who are on the run from Russian missiles and cluster bombs, which now also hit civilian targets.”

As of 2015, Russia has been engaged in the Syrian conflict, supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with an air battle.

Rasmus Stoklund said that the change in the nation’s refugee laws would aid them in obtaining resident status in Denmark and tried to defend the choice by citing the country’s “proximity.”

Internet users have reacted angrily to the verdict, condemning the European country’s “double standards.”

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