July 27, 2024
København, Denmark

International criticism of Kosovo agreement: Denmark sets a dangerous precedent against foreigners

According to several anti-torture organizations, Denmark’s plan to rent prisons in Kosovo violates the country’s international obligations. If the government’s domestic policy flagship

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees Women Rights

Young women in Denmark are at risk of deportation to Syria

The risk of being forced to return to Syria is most significant for young women under Denmark’s aggressive approach toward Syrian refugees. The

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Women Rights

Workplace Sexual Harassment Uncontrollable In Denmark

An employer has been ruled liable by the Danish Eastern High Court for not intervening and dealing with sexual assault by a coworker

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Separate Clinics for Ukrainians in Denmark: Yet Another Racially Biased Step

In marked contradiction to the government’s current discriminatory and unprecedented tactics towards other non-white immigrants, new medical facilities to heal Ukrainian migrants are

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Systemic Racism In Denmark Eroding Its Hard-Earned Reputation

Denmark has a strong record of refusing to discuss discrimination and ignoring that institutional racism has been a significant barrier for ethnic minority

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Denmark Building ‘Ukraine Town’ For Ukraine Refuees While Deporting Syrian Asylum Seekers

When Denmark was the first European country to withdraw the residency status of far more than 200 Syrian refugees the previous month, according

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Syrian Vs Ukrainian Refugees: Denmark’s Double-Standards Exposed

Denmark has been accused of applying double standards to migrants and asylum seekers. As a result of the turmoil in Ukraine, nations have

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Denmark is shattering Syrian refugees’ lives

“I’d sooner commit suicide here in Denmark than return to Syria!” That’s what Syrian refugees in Denmark told when the Danish government decided

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Danish Hypocrisy: “Jewellery Law” That Used To Confiscate Syrian Refugees’ Assets Will Not Apply To Ukrainian Reguees

According to a Danish MP, the country’s administration and parliament are exploring adjustments to the rules of Ukrainian residence in Denmark not to

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Denmark Threatens To Deport Kids Born Via Surrogacy

The parentage of three children born via surrogacy in the U.S to two European fathers has been recognized by a favourable judgement from

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