July 27, 2024
København, Denmark
Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Inhumane Danish Law to relocate Asylum Seekers Outside Europe

The legislation will complicate the EU’s efforts to overhaul Europe’s fragmented migration and asylum rules, an extremely divisive subject within the block. The European Commission (the EU’s executive) questioned the law’s compatibility with Denmark’s international obligations.   “External processing of asylum claims raises fundamental questions about both the access to asylum procedures and effective access […]

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Denmark’s ‘Zero Asylum Seekers’ Policy Impacting Syrian Women

Nobody ventures out from home except if the home is the mouth of a shark. Tragically, Denmark has neglected to show the significance of these words.   In a recent move, Denmark has turned into the primary European country to disavow the residency grants of outcasts from the Syrian locales of Damascus and Rif Damascus. […]

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Denmark Becoming unsafe for Syrian Refugees

EU politicians and NGOs have criticized Denmark’s refugee policy; which includes the decision to deem portions of Syria “secure” and proposals to relocate its asylum facilities to non-EU nations. They organized a session for the discussion of this crucial matter. It was all about the immigrants and the refugees in Denmark. During a session with […]

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees Ghetto

Denmark clamps down on non-Western residents and refugees

The Danish government takes another measure to tighten on non-Western residents, targetting immigrant neighbourhoods, a move denounced by human rights groups and violates basic human rights of equality and nondiscrimination. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International sounded that alarm over the Danish laws on “ghettos”, saying that they affect “non-Western” residents. Although the Minister of […]

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Denmark is No Longer a Safe Country for Asylum Seekers

On January 13, The Danish Minister for Immigration and Integration attempted to revoke protections for Syrians and externalize asylum. Although this move received an outcry from MEPs, international media and human rights organizations, the government went along. Now hundreds of Syrian refugees who once settled in Denmark fled to other EU countries, raising questions about […]

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