September 10, 2024
København, Denmark

Denmark’s Heinous Ghetto Law Shrinking Land For ‘Non-Westerns’ 

Denmark’s Heinous Ghetto Law Shrinking Land For ‘Non-Westerns’ 

A majority of Danish politicians have publicly stated that “Danes should not become a minority in any residential areas.”


The government enacted highly controversial legislation that essentially outlaws landlords from renting to non-Danish citizens above specific income levels within designated social housing areas to achieve this.


The most significant intervention was a general rule stating that the proportion of social dwellings intended for families should be reduced to only 40% of the dwellings in the area. This should be obtained by a combination of demolition, new building and sale of dwellings to private investors.


In addition to the group of estates with deprived housing, another group of estates was identified as those in which homeless people have had priority over others on waiting lists. It is stated that such areas cannot be allocated to homeless people or other vulnerable groups, either.


It is now evident that the ghetto law will affect social housing. In the coming times, it is definitely possible that non-Danish people will not find any accommodation in the states where this law is gaining popularity. The government is really not concerned that these people have been living in this area for so long and they deserve some compensation.


It is coming in the news that people are taking notice, but honestly, so far, no honest attempt has been seen to curb the ghetto activities.


In the political debate surrounding ethnic minorities in Europe, a lot of focus has been placed on the concept of parallel societies.


There is a viewpoint that says many citizens from Middle Eastern countries have developed communities with their own laws and cultures that are very different from those of Europe.


The argument often made for creating anti-immigration laws is the desire to prevent the formation of these parallel societies.


Measured against other countries, Denmark has fewer problematic housing areas, and residents, in general, appear to be happy with their housing.


At the same time, however, some Danish social housing is falling into disrepair, and its inhabitants complain of antisocial behaviour.


Ultimately, one may wonder why Denmark is taking an especially harsh stance on immigration as a whole and specifically related to affordable housing.


The answer lies within Denmark’s political climate, where it has become more difficult for the Social Democrats to protect those vulnerable in any way, shape, or form.


We believe this is due to the rise of xenophobic groups who want restrictions placed upon any sort of immigration regardless of circumstance. This has resulted in there being little room for discourse on such topics, which only further impedes immigrants from getting what they deserve: a safe place to live in during their most trying times.


The Danish people are so far not interested in incorporating anything that is Anti-Danish. It seems that with the passage of time, such loss will take more strength, and by then, the possibility of cross-cultural ethnicity could be a disaster.



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